
Otina's Adventures

Otina's Adventures

Trip reports and photos from hiking, climbing, skiing
and mountaineering adventures in Colorado, Alaska, NY and beyond.

Colorado 13ers (ranked)

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Completed: All| Completed | Left
Ranges: All | Front | Tenmile | Mosquito | Gore | Sawatch | Elks | Sangre | San Juan | Weminuche
100s: All | Centennials (top 100) | Bicentennials (top 200) | Trientennials (top 300) | Quadricentennials (top 400) | Quincentenary (top 500) | Sexcentenary (top 700) | Septcentennial (top 700) | Lowest 100
Class: All | 1 | 1+ | 2 | 2+ | 3 | 3+ | 4 | 5

Sort Choices: 13ers: all | Range: Gore | Centennial: 500 | Class: 4 | Go back to All

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